
Below are some samples of our research.

A list of all of my publications in Hungarian and in English, can be found here.

Only a new narrative

can lead us to a

different world 

from the current nihil.


The backcasting technique shifts our focus to the future. It does not ask where we are heading, but rather where we want to end up. If we manage to answer that, we can also find ways how to reach it.

In this research all staff members of a marketing communications firm were asked how they would like to see their business in the future. The answers surprised everyone.

In this research the entire local staff of a marketing communications firm has been questioned: how they would like to see their business in the future?

In this research we asked experts in a backcasting process what sustainable and responsible business could look like.

Only a new narrative can lead us

to a different world from

the current nihil.

Only a new narrative

can lead us to a

different world from

the current nihil.


Would I feel better

if I believed that things

cannot be changed?

Sustainability is not about textile bags. Change requires new perspectives, debate, and the more diverse the voices, the more just the vision.

Sustainability is not about textile bags. Change requires new perspectives, debate, and the more diverse the voices, the more just the vision.

In this provocative research we investigate the connection between our society’s attitude towards death and our unsustainable lifestyle.

For a while we beleived that if a politician got the proper information, they would make right decisions. In this article we gathered all the reasons of why this belief is wrong.

Teaching sustainabilty

Different educational approaches and tools are keys is teaching sustainability. In this paper we show how foresight methods can be built into education and in this we give examples of transformative learning in
teaching Degrowth.

Would I feel better

if I believed that things

cannot be changed?